Let’s face it. For some reason, your pets are attracted to your wool rugs, and they feel the need to “mark” those rugs. Why?! I’m sure a veterinarian could tell us. But the fact is that they go and mark that same rug over and over again. Look at the one in this video for a great example:
Take a look at this rug as I’m flushing it out. This is prior to the cleaning process. It gives you a great idea of how much the rug had been used by the animal as a litter box:
After rinsing until clear water comes out, a treatment is applied to neutralize the odor, stabilize the dyes and prevent further bleeding from the urine stained areas, both the bottom and the top sides are cleaned and rinsed, and then the rug is dried, for a finished product like this:
There’s little that gives a sense of accomplishment like taking a rug in this condition and restoring all the natural beauty to it.
Give Joseph at Quest Floor Care a call for all your rug cleaning needs!